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Welcome to Ircstats.net

This is a voluntary project. We take IRC Channels Logs and make statistics from them.

Ircstats.net purpose

Our main purpose is to create IRC channel statistics using PISG as shown below.


A random statistic page created with PISG.

About us

We started this project in 2019 and since than our database started to grow. We are doing this on our free time, and with no obligations.

About PISG

Pisg is an IRC channel statics generator written in Perl, it creates statistics from different logfile formats. It was originally written because IRCStats wasn't open source. So here's an open source/GPL'ed version to anyone interested. It's a funny thing for your IRC channel, and it's highly customizeable.

Other infos

The list with the participating channels you can find it in the menu , at the top of your screen.

© Copyright 2019-2024 - ircstats.net . All Rights Reserved.